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  • Placa de dezvoltare Carbon S2
  • Placa de dezvoltare Carbon S2
  • Placa de dezvoltare Carbon S2
  • Placa de dezvoltare Carbon S2
  • Placa de dezvoltare Carbon S2
  • Placa de dezvoltare Carbon S2

Placa de dezvoltare Carbon S2

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Original GroundStudio Product

GroundStudio products are made using high-quality components, designed and assembled in Romania.






Schematic and Layout


The GroundStudio Carbon S2 development board is based on the ESP32-S2FN4R2 chip, which is a low-voltage integrated solution for a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi System-on-Chip operating at 240MHz.

ESP32-S2 includes Wi-Fi subsystems that integrate Wi-Fi MAC, Wi-Fi radio, bandwidth switch, RF switch, power amplifier, and a low-noise amplifier, among others. The base chip has 320KB SRAM and 128KB ROM, while the ESP32-S2FN4R2 also integrates 2MB PSRAM and 4MB Flash memory.

It is designed for ultra-low-power applications with multiple optimized power modes. Equipped with fine-grain clock control, dynamic voltage scaling, frequency scaling, and an adjustable power amplifier, it achieves an optimal balance between communication range, data rate, and power consumption.

The device provides a rich set of peripheral interfaces, including SPI, I2S, UART, I2C, LED_PWM, LCD interface, camera interface, ADC, DAC, touch sensor, temperature sensor, and 43 GPIO pins. It also includes a high-speed On-The-Go (OTG) interface to enable USB communication.

The board includes a 3V3 I²C connector compatible with "STEMMA QT" or "Qwiic".

ESP32-S2 contains several dedicated hardware features for security. Cryptographic accelerators are integrated for AES, SHA, and RSA algorithms. Additional hardware security features are provided by RNG, HMAC, and digital signature modules, as well as flash encryption and secure boot signature verification. These features allow the device to meet strict security requirements.

Technical Specifications

Microcontroller: ESP32-S2FN4R2

  • 128KB ROM for booting and basic functions
  • 320KB SRAM for data instructions
  • 16KB SRAM in RTC
  • 4MB Flash

USB-Serial Converter: Internal ESP32-S2
Voltage Regulator 3.3V: ME6211C33U4AG-N
GPIO Pins: 18
USB 2.0 Type-C Adapter
ROM Memory: 128 KB
SRAM Memory: 320 KB
Interfaces: ADC, DAC, SD/SDIO/MMC Host Controller, SPI, SDIO/SPI Slave Controller, EMAC, motor PWM, LED PWM, UART, I2C, I2S, GPIO
Maximum Processor Frequency: 240 MHz
Approximate PCB dimensions: 37mm x 18mm

Arduino IDE Upload Issue:

      This issue occurs on all ESP-32 board versions starting with v2.0.10:
      At the same time, the ESP-IDF (IoT Development Framework) version was updated to v4.4.5.
      The last functional board version tested was v2.0.9 from May 3, 2023.
      To install this version, go to Tools -> Board... -> Boards Manager, search for "ESP32," and install version 2.0.9.
      After installing the new set of boards, select the following three options again in the Tools menu:
  • USB CDC On Boot: "Enabled"
  • USB DFU On Boot: "Enabled"
  • Upload Mode: "Internal USB"
      Put the board into Boot mode, select the newly appeared port, and upload the code.
      On the first upload, an error will occur, but after pressing the reset button, the board will enter DFU mode, and a new port will appear in the device manager.
      Now select the newly appeared port in Tools -> Port and re-upload the code.
      After uploading, open the Serial Monitor twice, and the code will run normally.
      At this point, there should be no more upload issues, and you should no longer need to enter Boot mode. Simply upload the code as usual, close and reopen the Serial Monitor, and the code and serial text will run as expected. 

CircuitPython use example:

To complete this example, you will need the following:

1x GroundStudio Carbon S2 development board || Reference UIECRE_GS

Step 1 - Download the .bin file for CircuitPython

Download the latest stable version of the "adafruit-circuitpython-unexpectedmaker_tinys2-en_US-X.X.X.bin" file.
Download link for the CircuitPython .bin file: link

Step 2 - Setting the board to BOOT mode:

  • Connect the board to your PC using a USB cable and put it into BOOT mode:
  1. Press and hold the button marked "B" on the development board.
  2. Press and release the RESET button (marked "R" on the board). At this point, in the Device Manager under the "Ports" section, a new device "USB Serial Device" followed by a COM number will appear. The microcontroller is now in programming mode.
  3. Release the button labeled "B".

Step 3 - Upload the previously downloaded .bin file:

  1. Ensure you have an updated version of Google Chrome (version 89 or later) installed on your computer.
  2. While in Boot mode, open the following link in a Google Chrome window: 
  3. In the top-right corner of the ESP Web Flasher interface, select 460800 Baud from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click Connect (top-right corner).
  5. Select the corresponding COM or Serial port from the pop-up window that appears.
  6. Once connected, click Erase to delete the existing firmware from the device.
  7. Wait for the erase process to complete successfully.
  8. After erasing, click Choose a file...
  9. Locate and select the .bin file you downloaded earlier.
  10. After selecting the .bin file, click Program to upload the new firmware.
  11. Wait for the programming process to complete.
  12. Once the firmware update is complete, press the RESET (R) button on the board.
  13. Check your computer’s file manager to see if a new drive named BOOT appears. This confirms that the TinyUF2 firmware has been successfully installed.

After a few seconds, the board will reset, and a new drive named "CIRCUITPY" will appear, which can be used for programming by editing the existing file.

Step 4 - Installing the Mu editor

The Mu editor is a code editor specially configured to interact easily with CircuitPython devices.

Download link for the Mu editor: 
Install the Mu editor, and upon opening, select the Adafruit CircuitPython mode.

If the development board is connected and in "CIRCUITPY" mode, Mu will recognize it directly as a "Circuit Python Device." Otherwise, it will display the following error: "Could not find an attached Adafruit CircuitPython device."

Step 5 - Programming the development board

In the Mu application, open the "" file using the Load->Open button.

Copy the text below into the "" file:

import time
import board
import neopixel
import digitalio

led_pwr = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.NEOPIXEL_POWER)
led_pwr.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
led_pwr.value = False

pixel = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1)

pixel.brightness = 0.02

while True:
pixel.fill((255, 0, 0))
pixel.fill((0, 255, 0))
pixel.fill((0, 0, 255))

Immediately after saving the file, the code will execute, and the onboard LED will blink in sequence based on the time.sleep values provided.

MicroPython use example:

To complete this example, you will need the following:

1x GroundStudio Carbon S2 development board || Reference UIECRE_GS

Step 1 - Downloading the .bin file for MicroPython

Download the latest stable version of the file "ESP32_GENERIC_S2-xxxxxxxx-vX.XX.0.bin".
Download link for the MicroPython .bin file: link

Step 2 - Setting the board to BOOT mode:

  • Connect the board to your PC using a USB cable, then put it into BOOT mode:
  1. Press and hold the button marked "B" on the development board.
  2. Press and release the RESET button (marked "R" on the board). At this point, in Device Manager under the "Ports" section, a new device "USB Serial Device" followed by a COM number will appear. The microcontroller is now in programming mode.
  3. Release the button labeled "B".

Step 3 - Installing esptool

  • Open a terminal/command prompt.
  • Install esptool using pip:
    pip install esptool

Step 4 - Downloading MicroPython Firmware

Download the appropriate firmware for ESP32-S2 from here:

Select the appropriate .bin file; after downloading, it will look like this: ESP32_GENERIC_S2-xxxxxxxx-vX.XX.0.bin

Step 5 - Flashing the Firmware

  1. Connect the ESP32-S2 to your computer via USB.
  2. Identify the serial port in Device Manager (e.g., COM3).
  3. Erase the existing flash (Replace COMX with your serial port, e.g., COM3): --chip esp32s2 --port COMX erase_flash
  4. Write the firmware (Replace COMX with your serial port, e.g., COM3, and the .bin file name with the one you downloaded): --chip esp32s2 --port COMX --baud 460800 write_flash -z 0x1000 C:DownloadsESP32_GENERIC_S2-xxxxxxxx-vX.XX.0.bin

Step 6 - Installing adafruit-ampy to copy the code to the ESP32 system.

  1. Install adafruit-ampy:
    pip install adafruit-ampy
  2. Verify the installation (display the installed version):
    ampy --version
  3. Copy the text below and save it into a file named "":

    import time
    from machine import Pin
    from neopixel import NeoPixel

    # Configuration for NeoPixel power
    led_pwr = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)  # GPIO2 corresponds to NEOPIXEL_POWER
    led_pwr.value(0)  # Enable power for NeoPixel, set LOW to power on

    # Configuration for NeoPixel
    pin = Pin(1, Pin.OUT)  # Replace with the pin corresponding to NEOPIXEL
    pixel = NeoPixel(pin, 1)  # 1 LED

    # Adjust brightness by calculating RGB values
    def set_brightness(color, brightness):
        return tuple(int(c * brightness) for c in color)

    brightness = 0.02

    while True:
        pixel[0] = set_brightness((255, 0, 0), brightness)  # Red
        pixel[0] = set_brightness((0, 255, 0), brightness)  # Green
        pixel[0] = set_brightness((0, 0, 255), brightness)  # Blue

  4. Copy the file to the ESP32-S2 using ampy (Replace COMX with your serial port, e.g., COM3):
    ampy --port COMX put
After resetting the board, the code will execute, and the onboard LED will blink according to the time.sleep values provided.

Arduino IDE use example:

To complete this example, you will need the following:

1x Carbon S2 development board || Reference UIECRE_GS

Step 1 - Download Arduino IDE

Link: Arduino IDE

Before connecting the board, download Arduino IDE 1.8.x from the link above, based on your preferences and operating system.

Step 2 - Configuring Arduino IDE

First, you need to download a set of boards in Arduino IDE. Open Arduino, then go to File->Preferences, and in the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" section, add the following URL:

Click OK, then open "Tools"->"Board: ", and from the drop-down list, click "Boards Manager...".

Search for "esp32". The "esp32 by Espressif Systems" package will appear in the list; click Install and wait for it to complete the installation.

Note: Newer versions than 2.0.9 may cause an issue with resetting ports after uploading code. For this example, you need to select and install version 2.0.9 of the ESP32 boards (instructions provided above).

Next, go to "Tools"->"Board"->"ESP32 Arduino", where various compatible ESP32 boards will be displayed. Select "ESP32S2 Dev Module" from the list.

After selecting the board, still in the Tools menu, modify the options "USB CDC On Boot:" and "USB DFU On Boot:" to "Enabled", and set "Upload Mode:" to "Internal USB" to allow code uploading without needing to enter the board’s boot mode again.

Step 3 - Putting the board into programming mode

To enter "boot" mode (code uploading mode), follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the button marked "BOOT" on the development board.
  2. Press and release the RESET button (marked "R" on the board). At this point, a new device "USB Serial Device" with a COM number will appear in the Device Manager under the "Ports" section. The microcontroller is now in programming mode.
  3. Release the "BOOT" button.

While in boot mode, in Arduino IDE, go to the "Tools -> Port" menu and select the new port that appeared in the Device Manager.

If multiple ports are visible and you’re unsure which one is the Carbon S2, press "RESET" to exit boot mode, re-enter using the steps above, and check the "Ports" menu in Device Manager to identify the newly added port.

Step 4 - Making connections and uploading test code

  • Example 1: Testing the onboard NeoPixel:

To complete this example, you will need:

1x Carbon S2 development board || Reference UIECRE_GS

Copy and run the "Neopixel_test.ino" file in Arduino from the link below:

The onboard NeoPixel will perform a light show based on the uploaded code.

  • Example 2: Testing with a microSD module via the SPI port:

To complete this example, you will need:

1x Carbon S2 development board || Reference UIECRE_GS
1x GroundStudio microSD Module || Reference HBCTZI_GS
 various wires needed for electrical connections

Connect the development board and the microSD module:

Carbon S2 ______________ microSD

Copy and run the "CarbonS2_SD_card_test.ino" file in Arduino from the link below:

After uploading the code, open the Serial Monitor and set the baud rate to 9600.

Press the reset button on the development board.

A .txt file containing the message "Hello S2" will be generated on the card in the connected module, and the Serial Monitor will display some information about the connected card.

Package Contents:

1x Carbon S2 development board

2x 1*12-pin male headers

NOTE: The headers included in the package are not soldered, and we do not provide soldering services for them.


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