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Telecomandă 4 canale 315 Mhz YK-04
  • Telecomandă 4 canale 315 Mhz YK-04
  • Telecomandă 4 canale 315 Mhz YK-04

Telecomandă 4 canale 315 Mhz YK-04

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Descrierea produsului:

Telecomanda kit cu 4 butoane si 4 canale pe banda de 315 MHz compatibila arduino.

Specificatii tehnice:

Tensiune de funtionare: 5V DC
Distanta maxima in vizibilitate directa: 300m
Frecventa 315 Mhz

Exemplu de conectare:

Modulul receptor se conecteaza la placa de dezvoltare UNO ca in imaginea urmatoare:

Prima data instalati in Arduino IDE libraria rm4 pe care o puteti gasi in sectiunea DESCARCARI.

Dupa descarcarea librariei intrati in Arduino IDE --> Sketch --> Include Library --> Add .ZIP library si selectati fisierul .ZIP descarcat.

Codul pentru programarea placii de dezvoltare UNO:

// Read RF remote button codes using the RM4 library and send them over serial.
#include <rm4.h>
// Arduino pin connected to the receiver VCC in. Set this high to enable the
// receiver.
static const int kEnablePin = 13;
// Arduino pins connected to the data pins on the receiver.
static const int kData0Pin = 9;
static const int kData1Pin = 10;
static const int kData2Pin = 11;
static const int kData3Pin = 12;
// Create an RM4 object to read the button codes from the remote.
RM4 remote(kData0Pin, kData1Pin, kData2Pin, kData3Pin);
void setup() {
// Initialize the serial interface.
// Turn on the receiver.
pinMode(kEnablePin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(kEnablePin, HIGH);
void loop() {
// Print the button code to the serial interface every 100 ms.
const int button_code = remote.buttonCode();

if (button_code == 2) { // pin 2 is pressed and connected to GND so it will be LOW
Serial.println("Butonul A a fost apasat");
delay (500); // wait 1 second

if (button_code == 8) { // pin 2 is pressed and connected to GND so it will be LOW
Serial.println("Butonul B a fost apasat");
delay (500); // wait 1 second

if (button_code == 1) { // pin 2 is pressed and connected to GND so it will be LOW
Serial.println("Butonul C a fost apasat");
delay (500); // wait 1 second

if (button_code == 4) { // pin 2 is pressed and connected to GND so it will be LOW
Serial.println("Butonul D a fost apasat");
delay (500); // wait 1 second

Dupa upload deschideti Serial Monitor-ul si selectati baud-rate-ul de "9600".
Va aparea scris ce buton apasati pe telecomanda (A, B, C sau D).


Continutul coletului:

1x buc telecomandă 4 canale 315 Mhz YK-04

1x buc modul receptor 4 canale 315 Mhz YK-04 compatibil arduino

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