Modul ecran Nokia 5110 - roșu

Reduced price! Modul ecran Nokia 5110 - roșu View larger



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The LCD PCD8544 Controller LCD (5110 Compatible LCD) is ideal for your electronics projects where a 1602 LCD is not enough. The 5110 LCD lets you display 84 x 48 pixels to create images or other symbols.
The LCD and controller consumes very little, the required power being 320uA at a 3.3V supply voltage.
The display is very popular and used lately, being known for its simplicity. Code examples are found in the attachments.
Low power consumption and reduced dimensions make it easy to integrate into projects, especially when using a battery that needs a long lifetime. Despite its small size, it offers a relatively good resolution. It can display text, symbols and has blue background light. With the right libraries you can display bitmap images.


Power supply: 3.3V;
Current: 320uA;
SPI communication;
84 x 48 characters
Dimensions: 45 x 45 mm;



Tutorial & Code




backlight-ul este alb.
Spre deosebide de o alta chinezarie (care era cu backlight albastru), asta aprinde ledurile cand BLK e pus la +, cel albastru era fin invers (se aprindea cand legam BLK la masa)

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Modul ecran Nokia 5110 - roșu

Modul ecran Nokia 5110 - roșu

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